Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Credit Card on File
Do I have to leave my credit card information to be a patient?
Yes. This is our policy and it is a growing trend in the healthcare industry. Insurance reimbursements are declining and there has been a large increase in patient deductibles.
What are the benefits?
It saves you time and eliminates the need to write checks, buy stamps or worry about delays in the mail. It also drives administrative costs down because the billing department will send out fewer statements and spend less time taking credit card information over the phone or entering it from the billing slips sent in the mail, which are less secure methods than us storing the information. The extra time can now be spent on helping patients directly in person or over the phone.
I always pay my bills on time. Why do I have to do this?
The billing process is time consuming and wasteful. Reducing unnecessary costs are essential to allowing us to continue to be an in-network provider with most insurance companies. Nothing is changing about how much you end up paying. We will send out 3 statements prior to charging your card for any outstanding balance.
What if I don’t have a credit card?
If you don’t have a credit card you can place a deposit for the visit. This deposit will be applied towards your visit after insurance processes the claim, and any unapplied funds will be refunded back to you.
How can I be assured that my credit card information will remain safe?
We are under the strict rules and guidelines of Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance, and HIPAA Compliance to protect patient privacy and credit card information is considered protected health information. We use the same methods to guard your credit card information as we do for your medical information. The card information is securely protected by the credit card processing component of our HIPAA compliant practice management system. We cannot see the card number – only the last four numbers, giving us no way to use the card outside of the billing system. Our employees will not have access to your card.
What if there is a payment discrepancy or I have other payment questions?
Please contact our billing department directly at (844) 266-6366 to settle payment discrepancies or for other payment questions. This policy is in no way compromising your ability to dispute a charge or to question your insurance company’s explanation of benefits.